Create Your Retirement Plan: the Eightfold Path
Do you have a financial plan for your retirement? Do you need one? What exactly is a retirement plan, anyway? If your answers to these questions are a bit vague and uncertain, read on! This post will lay out why you need a plan for the years after you stop working (yes, you should have a plan), and how to go about creating one. The good news is it’s not that hard to do. In fact, if you’ve been reading my posts until now (and, of course, following up on my recommendations!), you’re 80% of the way there already. This post pulls the pieces together into a single whole; eight…
10 Great Retirement Planning Blogs
There are quite a few excellent financial planning blogs out there – so many that I sometimes wonder why I’m adding my own site to what is already a crowded space in the blogosphere. Then I recall how much of what is out there is misleading, self-serving or just plain incomprehensible. My goal is to provide sound retirement financial planning ideas and advice, written in plain English, without any underlying agenda. I believe investing and financial planning are really quite straightforward if you can tune out the noise. I try to provide enough explanation and references that the curious reader doesn’t just have to take my word for what I’m…