• Managing Money in Retirement III: One Annuity You Should Buy

    This is the third of a series of posts on retirement withdrawal strategies.  If you haven’t read Managing Money in Retirement I and II, please read them first!  In the last post, we explored the options for generating a lifetime income, something most retirees would find desirable and reassuring.  Social security fits the bill, but may not be sufficient to cover essential expenses.  Most people today don’t receive pensions, and the other options – bond ladders and annuities – have significant disadvantages (as well as some attractive features).  But there is one source of lifetime income that stands out from the pack.    An annuity that is a good deal Most…

  • Managing Money in Retirement I: How Much Can I Withdraw?

    Welcome back, and Happy New Year!  My first posts covered how much to save for retirement.  In the next several posts, I explore how to manage savings and withdrawals once you’re in retirement.  OK, so you’ve made the break, attended your last office party, and are no longer punching a clock.  How should you handle your savings?  How much can you withdraw and spend every year?  Wait a minute, you say – didn’t the last couple of blogs already answer that question?  Why not withdraw 4% of your savings in the first year, then increase that with inflation each year to keep the purchasing power the same? Well, you would…