• Financial Planning for a Disabled Child, Part II

    Have you planned ahead for the financial well-being of your disabled child? Make sure your loved one doesn’t have money worries after you’re gone. This is the second of two posts on how a family with a disabled child can plan ahead to provide financial security for their loved one.  In the first post, I reviewed government programs that can provide vital health coverage and income to those with disabilities. Read that post here.  Financial Security for the Long Run  As a parent of a child with a disability, one overriding worry I can’t shake is the concern of every parent everywhere: what will happen when I’m no longer around?  …

  • Financial Planning for Families with a Disabled Child

    For most of us, retirement planning involves saving money consistently, helping it grow through investment and the power of compound interest, and eventually spending down our nest egg at a sustainable rate to fund a comfortable retirement.  If something remains at the end of the line, that’s great, but not really that important.  Your grown children, whom you have loved and nurtured, and perhaps helped through college, are able to fend for themselves.  But what about the parents of a child with a serious physical or mental health disability?  This child may be unable to work and may need assistance to accomplish daily activities that most of us take for…