• Make Your Own Retirement Spreadsheet

    In my last post, I encouraged those so inclined to create their own financial planning spreadsheets.  However, I didn’t provide enough detail to allow the motivated reader to go and set one up.  This post fills that gap, providing enough specifics to enable anyone who knows how to use a spreadsheet to map out her financial future on a home computer.  If this sounds like something you might want to do, read on! Why Go to the Trouble? But, you may ask, why should you put the time and energy into making your own planning spreadsheet from scratch when there are plenty of powerful software programs out there that will…

  • Create Your Retirement Plan: the Eightfold Path

    Do you have a financial plan for your retirement?  Do you need one?  What exactly is a retirement plan, anyway?  If your answers to these questions are a bit vague and uncertain, read on!  This post will lay out why you need a plan for the years after you stop working (yes, you should have a plan), and how to go about creating one.   The good news is it’s not that hard to do.  In fact, if you’ve been reading my posts until now (and, of course, following up on my recommendations!), you’re 80% of the way there already.  This post pulls the pieces together into a single whole; eight…